วันพุธที่ 3 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Marketing Perspectives via Charts and Pictures

New Chart: The Effectiveness of Social Media for B2B

from Marketing Sherpa.

 chartofweek 09 28 10

The diagram below shows the three discrete sectors in marketing

  1. Brand Marketing - Image and Reputation
  2. Direct Marketing - Lead Generation and sales conversion
  3. Social Marketing - Customer Engagement

    From Our Mobile Revolution:


      Here is a graphic flow chart to show why using social media for business is a strong consideration.

      From Vesta Digital

      social media chart

      In May 2009 meish.org created a snapshot of social media startups and how many had gone defunct (or had been purchased.)

      social media web 20 startups chart

      To which www.tomuse.com followed up with more details.

      absolute number web startup

      We then turn to www.businessweek.com for a chart showing what people are doing:

      what people are doing on social media

      What should a company do with social media?  What is the process?  From damienbasile on Flickr

      social media chart 3629544077 77d44bcbd8 thumb 450x347


      1. Social media as a part of a business marketing plan is growing.
      2. There is risk in trusting Web 2.0 startups.  Caution.
      3. Map out the who, what, where, when, why, how and how many in advance. Preparation and planning are still required.
      4. Use the tools to understand where people hang out and how they are using the social media tools before you begin the conversation.
      by Michael Hartzell

