วันพุธที่ 3 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Keeping Social Media Marketing Loose & Fun, While Staying on Top of Your Business Game

     So have you done your update yet? Got your feeds going? How about tagging a few photos?
If this language is foreign to you, don’t worry. You probably aren’t in high school or part of an active social network that is working around the clock. You are probably going about your business and bit unaware of all those fancy functions of that new beast known as social media.
     Some people pride themselves on the fact that they stay away from social media. They can’t be bothered to be sent e-mails about someone trying to message them about fun activities and idle gossip. They loathe people who bugged them in high school trying to befriend them on social media networks, but most of all, they don’t want their privacy accessed at all by others who might harm them. These are all legitimate claims and are good enough for some people to steer clear of social media.
     But social media doesn’t always have devil horns. If you get past some of the potential annoyances it creates, you can see how it can help you as an online marketer. While some of the business applications of social media may not be apparent, getting in on some basic ones can stimulate online business growth for you.
      Using social media in business can start off at the most basic level. All businesses blossom with a social media blog. By creating a “fan page” or social posting blog, the public gets the idea that they can get in on new business developments directly from the company, plus news, promotions and fun, interactive postings. This is a strong signal to send, and from a business perspective, it’s a fun activity. Social media blogs don’t cost anything to create and can often get special offers through the social media sites they use. If you want to touch the public in a positive way—and free of charge, a social media blog is a good place to start.
      There is also the application of the social media widget. If  you opt for using social media as a business device, a social media widget can push your business’ promotional ability and client interaction on social media one step further. Social media widgets are the icons you get when you create social media blogs, pages and sites. Once they are completed, you can attain a widget and then drag it to your landing page, customize its appearance and then leave it for clients to click on. Once they do, these widgets create icons on their social media sites, cell phones, e-mail accounts, etc. They can follow you all the time, and every time you post an update or promotion, the clients can access them immediately. It’s like the e-mail updates you get about the social media pages you subscribe to, except now you are the one providing the updates. With the social media widget, you have the power to provide the information fast and bring clients in a lot faster than before.
      If you are still a bit unsure of social media, consider how widespread it is. Kids use it. Seniors use it. Celebrities use it. Now, businesspeople can, too. It is true that you might need some social media management system once you decide to incorporate it for your business, but this social media management is infrequent and, as the title suggests, more social than hardcore business in interaction. The Internet and libraries are chock full of social media tips on web sites and in publications, so there is no reason that you can’t navigate it all yourself or with your associates. This stuff was designed to be used, so it’s up to business pros to use it. It should be more fun than trying.
     In the end, you don’t have to be a Facebook addict or messaging fiend to positively utilize social media in online business. You just have to know what you want. Knowing is half the battle, and social media marketing makes business a lot of fun, too.

