วันจันทร์ที่ 8 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

22+ Work at Home Facebook Pages to Follow

pages to like on facebook


Yesterday, Miranda at Work at Home Adventures wrote a very interesting post about how a lot of people are resistant to signing up for Facebook and how this resistance could be detrimental to their efforts at finding legit work from home. This is very, very true because many of the job leads and other information I discover are found via Facebook and the various work at home related pages that I follow.
There is nothing wrong with not joining Facebook if you absolutely are against it and you can certainly find work at home jobs without it by following blogs like this one and visiting the forums, but Miranda made a great point that Facebook is an excellent resource! If you are on Facebook, here is a big list of work at home related pages that I “like” personally that you may also want to consider following yourself if you’re actively seeking work at home leads, advice, and other information.

Helpful Facebook Pages to “Like”:

… and of course don’t forget to like my page, Real Ways to Make Money Online. I post job leads and other information that should help you almost daily!
I realize this is a big list! Some of these pages post more than others and some are more about home business rather than working from home, but they all post valuable content at least occasionally and I do “like” each of these pages personally.
Do you have a work at home related page of your own, or do you want to suggest one you know about to others? Please feel free to share in the comments!

