วันศุกร์ที่ 12 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Как заработать в интернете

zarabotat v internete Как заработать в интернете   Заработать в интернете — эта статья стартовая, с которой Вы сможете начать свой заработок в Интернете и не просто начать, а узнать, как заработать в интернете новичку, также разобраться в некоторых премудростях важных для новичка, решившего найти работу Интернете. Давайте попробуем разложить все по полочкам.
 Как заработать в интернете? — на первый взгляд, проанализировав информацию с сайтов о заработке в интернете все кажется очень простым и понятным: иди туда, сделай то и деньги потекут из интернета рекой. Такое впечатление создается у большинства решивших заработать в интернете в первый раз.
 Многие из нас войдя в веб сеть, откровенно говоря, мечтают о дармовом заработке и поэтому в конечном итоге попадают на крючок всякого рода лохотронщиков, обещающих за деньги дать Вам философский камень, который научит Вас, как заработать в интернете быстро. Либо на «сказочников», рассказывающих красивые байки про волшебные кошельки. Многие верят и сами превращаются в фокусников, другие недоверчивые, мечтатели о быстром халявном заработке попадают на разного рода клик спонсорство, серфинги и т.п. ерунду, безжалостно съедающие Ваше время с мизерной отдачей в денежном эквиваленте, хватающей лишь на оплату мобильника.

  Запомните заработать в сети интернет можно лишь по-настоящему работая в Интернете.
Как заработать деньги в Интернете Как заработать в интернете   Мое мнение насчет быстрого и эффективного, в смысле денег, заработка в Интернете таково: заработать в сети быстро и много можно в двух случаях. Первый — стать аферистом, второй — быть собственником чего-то (к примеру интеллектуальная собственность, уникальные товары, услуги и т.п.) очень востребованного людьми. Если Вам не подходит ни тот ни другой вариант, а Вы желаете зарабатывать в Интернете нормальные деньги, то придется трудится, учится и еще раз учится и трудится, тогда может что-то получится и у Вас, все будет зависеть от вашего желания, терпения и упрямства.
  К вашему сведению на сегодняшний день по статистике Яндекс, как заработать в интернете задает вопрос 60 863 человека в месяц, а в Гугле вопрос заработать в интернете интересует 90 500 посетителей. Те, кто вбивают в браузере поисковика запрос, как заработать в Интернете новичку, даже не подозревают, что 70% решивших заработать в сети бросают такой вид бизнеса уже через 1-2 месяца, еще 20% в пределах 2-6 месяцев работы. Лишь 10-ти% хватает терпения, и желания продолжать тянуть эту ношу — и решать свой вопрос, как заработать в интернете больше.
  Но не все так пасмурно на ниве заработка в интернете. Тот, кто упрям и более настойчив в итоге находит свой путь заработка в сети на просторах Интернет. Когда путь найден и цель намечена, к ней уже можно идти целенаправленно и добиваться положительных результатов. Когда ты понимаешь что хочешь, и знаешь что надо сделать, то заработать в Интернете вполне реально.
Заработать в интернете Как заработать в интернете
    Запомните главное, прежде чем начать поиск работы в интернете Вам нужно выбрать цель, понять для себя, что Вы именно желаете получить от работы в интернете. Если Вы настроены получить бесплатный сыр, т.е. заработать сразу быстро и много, то помните, что мышеловка захлопывается быстро не успеете моргнуть глазами (скорее всего кто-то заработает на Вас, а Вы останетесь в дураках).
  Если ваша цель заработать в Интернете по-настоящему, то не слушайте байки о легком заработке, оценивайте все реально. Образно говоря, как можно заработать много денег, нажимая на клавишу мышки, пусть даже у Вас будет десять компьютеров и десять рук, то все равно много не накликаешь, это я о разного рода клик спонсорах, поэтому при желании заработать больше денег будьте готовы много вложить своего труда — это трезвая оценка реалий жизни.
  Теперь о том, как выбрать то, что принесет настоящий заработок в интернете. Здесь все просто, чем сложнее Вам кажется выполняемаяработа в сети Интернет и сложней достижение цели заработка, тем больше шансов найти работу в Интернете не на один день и по-настоящему заработать в интернете на хлеб с маслом.
   Ниже я ознакомлю Вас с вариантами, позволяющими заработать в Интернете по-настоящему и настоящие деньги. Приведенные ниже варианты интернет заработка, с моей точки зрения, подойдут любому желающему заработать в интернете новичку. Не бойтесь сложностей, всегда приходится чему-то учится, т.к. чтобы заработать в интернете новичком сперва придется научится тому, как заработать в интернете новичку.
  На моем сайте Вы найдете ответы на вопросы, как заработать в интернете новичку и мои простые советы (испытанные своими руками) в виде комментариев, как заработать в интернете лучше. К слову скажу, что я не обучался сайтостроению, и не имею какого-то специального образования, я точно также как и Вы сейчас, начинал с этого вопроса, как заработать в интернете. Перепробовал огромное количество всевозможных вариантов заработков в интернете. В итоге кое-чему научился и сейчас постараюсь помочь Вам заработать по-настоящему. Опишу те варианты, которые дают мне возможность заработать в сети в той или иное мере до сих пор.
  Ниже в статье, для удобной навигации по сайту, чтобы любой новичок, решивший заработать в Интернете смог хорошо ориентироваться и посмотреть все интересующие его материалы прямо с этой страницы, поставлю ссылки на наиболее нужные новичку страницы с краткими комментариями. Перейдя по ссылке Вы сможете ознакомится с каждым отдельно взятым информационным материалом подробно.

Как заработать в Интернете

    Первое и самое главное, что от Вас потребуется, чтобы получить доход в интернете — настойчивость, усердие и трудолюбие. Выбирая путь Интернет заработка Вы становитесь начальником и работягой в одном лице, слово лень должно быть забыто, как страшный сон. Заработать в интернете возможно при условии постоянного саморазвития и совершенствования своих навыков, потребность в которых будет возникать по ходу вашего вхождения в Интернет заработок.
 Добившись своей планки дохода в интернете не останавливайтесь, ставьте новую величину, толкайте себя вперед и такое отношение к своему желанию заработать в интернете деньги дадут свои результаты.
   Как заработать в интернете? — этот вопрос прежде всего надо разделить на два способа. Рассмотрим каждый в отдельности.

Как заработать в интернете без сайта

Как заработать в интернете Как заработать в интернете  Есть много способов заработать в интернете деньги без сайта. Но нас интересуют наиболее эффективные в плане получения дохода.
    Мое мнение о такой Интернет работе сказано в картинке, наведите курсор на картинку и узнаете его.
   Небольшой совет. Не спешите при чтении, работа в интернете от Вас не убежит. Не прыгайте из статьи в статью, прочитав каждую, вначале осмыслите написанное и только после идите дальше по ссылкам, так Вы лучше уловите смысл от написанного. Лучше потерять время на обдумывание, чем потом исправлять ошибки, которые потребуют большего расхода времени или приведут к нулевому результату.
1. Для начала потребуется узнать, что Вы должны иметь для заработка в интернете.
2. Познакомьтесь с системами электронных платежей (СЭП). Любому кто решил заработать в Интернете без СЕП не обойтись.
3.Скажу честно, кто хочет заработать в интернете прямо сейчас, сразу заработать много не получится, поймите сами, в любом деле будь оно в обычной жизни или в онлайн, требуется хоть небольшой, но все же опыт. Для первоначального опыта надо понять, в чем заключается суть Интернет заработка без сайта, тут как заработать в интернете новичку Вы сможете понять какая работа в Интернете существует и с чем ее едят, и выбрать нормальные способы заработка в интернете. Такие как:
4. Как заработать в интернете копирайтингом здесь подробно рассказывается, что такое копирайт и рерайт, описывается сам способ заработка с полезными советами. Такой способ заработать в интернете подойдет хорошо пишущим сочинения и умеющим излагать красиво прочитанное своими словами.
5. Следующий вариант, как заработать в интернете на файлообменниках подойдет любому, главное иметь оригинальные и интересные файлы (фильмы, картинки, фото, презентации, дипломные работы и т.п.)
6. Можно попробовать найти заработок в интернете в биржах фрилансеров, если в них хорошо поискать, то можно найти заработок любой направленности.

Заработать в интернете на своем сайте

   Желающим создать серьезный проект для стабильного заработка в интернете могу посоветовать создать свой сайт. На своем сайте можно иметь более чем приличный заработок в Интернете. Но не буду скрывать, сам сайт создать не сложно, а вот добиться большой денежной отдачи будет на порядок сложней, чем создать свой сайт самому.
Как создать свой сайт Как заработать в интернете    Если Вы человек волевой и у Вас терпения хоть отбавляй, плюс ко всему сможете уделять много времени своему проекту (на написание более менее хорошей статьи уходит от 4 до 6 часов времени, бывает и больше), то это отличный вариант заработать в сети.
  Возможна альтернатива, если у Вас нет возможности уделять большого количества времени созданному сайту, но есть деньги, статьи всегда можно заказать и купить в биржах статей. Если у Вас желание попробовать создать свой сайт и попытаться заработать в Интернете на своем сайте не испарилось, то ниже можно узнать, как создать свой сайт самому. В серии статей-инструкций подробно описано и на фото показано, как создать сайт или блог для заработка, не зная веб языков и создать при желании всего за два дня.

Создать свой сайт Как заработать в интернете
1. Статья-инструкция как создать свой сайт без знания веб языков, здесь Вы узнаете на чем можно создать свой сайт и что значит выбрать тематическое направление сайта для заработка в интернете.
2. Статья как создать сайт расскажет как лучше создавать сайт новичку и объяснит, где выгодней создавать свой сайт.
3. Действие первое по созданию сайта для заработка в интернете — это выбрать и купить доменное имя 2-го уровня, при желании можно купить доменное имя со скидкой.
4. Во втором действии в создании своего сайта Вы узнаете как создать FTP соединение и перенести движок сайта на хостинг.
5. В третьей завершающей части описано как запустить созданный сайт, дойдя до этой статьи Вы научитесь создавать свой сайт.
6. Знакомство с плагинами и улучшение функций созданного сайта.
8. Иконка для сайта и как ее создать, здесь разберем, что такое фавикон и как поставить его на свой сайт.
9. Урок как создать страницу или запись на своем сайте название само говорит за себя.
10. Как заработать в интернете на своем сайте, тут описаны традиционные варианты и способы заработка на своем сайте.
12. Каталог способов, как заработать в Интернете, здесь найдете разнообразные варианты, как заработать в Интернете и сможете выбрать работу по душе.
   Вот пока и все. Для начала знакомства с тем, как заработать в интернете начинающему вполне хватит, чтоб заиметь представление, как зарабатывают в интернете, для принятия правильного решения и выбора направления интернет заработка.
   Желаю результативного просмотра и удачи в будущей Интернет работе.
By realnodengi

Вводная. Как зарабатывать в интернете, или какие способы заработать в интернете есть.

как зарабатывать в интернете Вводная. Как зарабатывать в интернете, или какие способы заработать в интернете есть.
     Здесь рассмотрим, какие способы заработать в интернете есть. Эта статья не руководство для выбора работы в интернете, а ознакомительная с существующими в сети видами заработка.
    Существует множество различных способов, как начать зарабатывать в интернете. Каждый из них по-своему уникален. Также и оплата за каждый вид работы в интернете разная. Можно заработать половинки копейки, а можно заработать хорошие деньги. В этой статье попробую рассказать о наиболее часто встречающихся видах интернет работы, для создания представления как заработать в интернете и как не стоит даже пробовать зарабатывать.

Как зарабатывать в интернете не стоит.

    1. Заработать на кликах, клик серфинг:
    Серфингом в интернете можно назвать посещение различных сайтов. И мы все серфим в поиске, какой либо информации в сети для своих потребностей и это мы делаем для себя и абсолютно бесплатно. Но все-таки серфингом называют посещение различных сайтов с помощью различных сервисов САР (система активной рекламы) с оплатой за каждый просмотр.
    САР-сайты или PTC-сайты «Paid-To-Click» — эти сервисы являются посредниками между рекламодателем и потребителем; рекламодатель оплачивает показ рекламы таким сервисам, часть из этой оплаты идёт пользователю, который эту рекламу просмотрел.
    Устроена такая бизнес-модель довольно просто. Одни в поиске быстрого и легкого заработка регистрируются в САР и просматривают сайты, предложенные системой, другие – это владельцы сайтов, платят системе и получают просмотры, а иногда и посетителя из числа пользователей занимающихся серфингом.
    Популярность такой бизнес-модели очень высока из-за: доступности для пользователя (не требуется особых знаний и практически, какого либо труда, кроме как нажимать пальцем на клавишу мышки), а для владельцев сайтов, то бишь рекламодателей получить посещаемость и рекламу своего ресурса за очень дешево. Сами же владельцы САР получают от рекламодателей деньги, и небольшой процент отдают пользователю просматривающему сайты.
    Но все это лишь верхушка айсберга. Что же скрывается под САР? Главными недостатками всего такого способа заработать в Интернете является большой процент мошенничества (есть, конечно, нормальные САР системы, но их мало) и очень маленькая оплата у всех САР (доход за день едва будет дотягивать до 1$ в день, обычный, же доход серферов не превышает 0,2 – 0,3$ в день, один просмотр в среднем стоит 0, 0015$-0,002$).
    О некоторых видах мошенничества в САР:
    Первое. Это использование этих систем для скликивания рекламы находящейся на сайте, т.е. владелец сайта просит через САР пользователя (серфера), перейдя на его сайт кликнуть по какой-либо рекламе и платит за это деньги. С этим активно стараются бороться как Гугл так и Яндекс и прочие системы рекламы.
    Второе. Довольно часто САР-сайты создают мошенники и при большом накоплении финансовых вливаний просто бросают САР-сайт и умывают руки. Пользователи и владельцы сайтов в таких случаях остаются ни с чем.
    Так же используются и другие виды обмана в САР: продажа не существующих рефералов, регистрация для начала работы в САР за деньги (после регистрации большого количества участников через определенное время САР закроется) и т.п. Подробно описывать все не хватит сайта. Но думаю хватит, для ознакомления и принятия правильного решения стоит ли пробовать зарабатывать таким вот образом.
    2. Заработать в интернете на опросах
    На опросах в интернете тоже можно заработать, но этот вид интернет работы также очень рискованный и малоэффективный в плане заработать в интернете деньги. И, по моему мнению, также является пустой тратой времени. Но сейчас немного о том, как зарабатывают в сети на опросах.
    Принцип также прост, как и в кликсерфинге, но в опросах немного нужно думать головой и, желательно, знать иностранные языки. Короче, для начала работы надо зарегистрироваться на сервисе, занимающимся опросами. После регистрации на ваш e-mail будут приходить письма с ссылкой на опросный лист. После ответа на вопросы в опросном листе Вы получаете деньги. Сервисы, проводящие опросы бывают русскими и иностранными (цены на чужеземных сервисах, за опрос на порядок выше, чем в Русских сервисах, но требуется знать иностранный язык или уметь пользоваться электронным переводчиком).
    Все вроде довольно просто. Сразу скажу, есть нормальные сервисы проводящие опросы, на которых можно заработать в интернете хоть небольшие, но все, же деньги (их в сети не очень много), а вот мошенничества предостаточно. Мошенники вообще любят любителей дармовщинки во всех областях нашей жизни. Обман любителей, не работая зарабатывать, прост.
    На сервисах с бесплатной регистрацией:
    Сервис проводит ваш опрос, получая с компании проводящей этот самый опорос деньги, Вы заполняете опросник и ждете денег, а Вам приходит сообщение, что Вы не подошли по возрасту или проживаете не в том регионе, которые типа требует компания и т.п. Вам даже придраться будет не к чему, а сервис за ваш опрос получит свои положенные деньги и ваш процент. Вы же помучавшись и чувствуя, что Вас кидают, через какое-то время (на сколько хватит терпения и надежды) пойдете искать следующий сервис. Или если не хватит ума, то перейдете в другой прямо из сервиса, который Вас обманывал (от них часто приходят рекламные опросники с заманчивой рекламой типа, ответы на вопросы анкет от 1$ — 7$ за опрос.)
    На сервисах с платной регистрацией все еще проще. Пользователь платит за регистрацию и регистрируется, ну а дальше все зависит от изощренности мошенников. С пользователем поступают либо как я описал выше о сервисах с бесплатной регистрацией, либо еще проще, кроме как разного рода сомнительных предложений заработать в интернете пользователь будет получать опросы очень редко, что, в конце концов, ему надоест, и он пойдет искать что-нибудь другое.
    Поэтому к выбору любой легкой работы с обещанием больших выплат стоит относиться с иронией. Вот я и познакомил вас, дорогой посетитель, с самыми популярными способами заработать в интернете в особенности среди новичков.
    Выше перечисленные способы, считаю, полной ерундой и настоятельно не рекомендую даже пробовать. Хотя мои слова вряд ли могут кого-то остановить. Человек склонен совершать ошибки даже предупрежденный о возможности совершить промах. Такая уж наша человеческая натура сомневаться в поучениях других и находиться в глубоком заблуждении, что со мной такое произойти ни в коем случае не может. Скажу сразу, на моем сайте Вы не встретите такого рода интернет работы.
    Теперь рассмотрим, как можно зарабатывать в интернете работая на себя, а не на чужого дядю.

Как зарабатывать в интернете по-настоящему.

    Сервисы, дающие по-настоящему заработать в Интернете подразумевают, что пользователь действительно желает заработать работая. Когда мы вбиваем в строке поиска в поисковике, Как заработать в Интернете, мы же подразумеваем действительно заработать, значит работать. Если же пользователь запрашивает, как заработать, а подразумевает, как, не работая получить деньги в сети, то у пользователя с такими намерениями путь в сетевые пирамиды и разного рода разводы на деньги просто заказан. Это я к тому, что кто хочет заработать в сети должен быть готовым много работать и учится зарабатывать в интернете, как на чужом, так и на своем опыте.
    По-настоящему люди зарабатывают в интернете в двух направлениях:
    Первое. Зарабатывают в интернете без сайта. О таком способе заработать в интернете деньги, я рассказываю в статье, как заработать в интернете новичку и при желании с ним можно ознакомиться. Там (вкратце перечислю) можно узнать, как заработать в интернете копирайтером, фрилансером и как заработать на файлообменниках, и для чего лучше сразу создать свой сайт.
    Вторым направлением заработать деньги в сети можно с уверенностью назвать заработок на своем сайте. Заработать в Интернете на своем сайте можно гораздо больше, чем без сайта, так как, создав сайт увеличивается, количество способов заработать в интернете и сайт работает все 24 часа в сутки. Перечислять все виды здесь нет смысла, этому разделу заработка посвящена целая статья, как заработать на своем сайте, в ней все можно узнать подробней. Так же к заработку с помощью сайта можно отнести блогосферу. Статья, как стать блогером и заработать в интернете дает хорошее представление о том, что блогер — это тоже работа.
    Основные способы, как зарабатывают люди в сети, мы рассмотрели, теперь можно составить представление о том, как зарабатывают в интернете и с легкой душой что-то подобрать для себя или отказаться, поняв, что это не для вас.
    Способов заработать в интернете достаточно много, подобрать можно на любой вкус, и заработать можно различные суммы в зависимости от того сколько Вы будете вкладывать своего труда в выбранную работу. Подобрать работу и заработать сможет любой, решивший заработать в интернете новичок, главное иметь желание работать. Не все сразу получается и акулы интернет бизнеса когда-то тоже были неумелыми акулятами. Человек рождается без знаний и опыта, но, учась у других и делая свои ошибки, создает себя сам. Идет каждый к своей цели своим путем и все зависит, добьется он того, что хочет или нет, от его желания чего-либо добиться.
    Желаю Вам успехов, терпения и немного удачи в столь нелёгком, но интересном способе заработка, как Интернет коммерция и выбрать Вам то, что будет по душе.
By realnodengi

วันอังคารที่ 9 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Integrating Your Email Marketing Campaign with Social Media

Integrating Your Email Marketing Campaign with Social Media image Integrate your Email Marketing Campaign with Social Media
Image Credit: Maria Peagler

Embed Social Media Buttons in Your Newsletter

Embedding social media buttons in your e-mail newsletters is the simplest way of integrating social media and e-mail marketing. Adding social media icons will help you extend the reach and influence of your email marketing campaign considerably. When you add social media buttons, you also increase the click-through rates and conversions of your e-mails.
Though you have the freedom to decide which buttons to use for your email marketing campaign, you should ideally add social icons with links to each of your social media pages (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn). Some e-mail providers allow you to insert links for each social media button that you want to display. Each button is then rendered in your e-mails when you send them to your readers.

Encourage Your Readers to Share

If you want to maximize the reach of your email marketing campaign, you should also encourage readers, customers, and prospects to share your e-mails once they receive them. The reason is that some subscribers may overlook or not even think about sharing when reading your e-mails. To increase online lead generation, you have to remind and encourage them to share the e-mails with friends or colleagues. It’s not enough to ask your readers to share; you should create a powerful call-to-action that gets the reader’s attention and compels them to act quickly.
Whenever you create and send e-mails or links to your content, you should encourage readers to share. There are two ways you can encourage readers to share content in your email marketing campaign. You can either embed social sharing buttons in your content or invite them to forward your e-mails to their friends and associates. It shouldn’t surprise you that most of your subscribers are connected to other people who are also connected to other people.

Add Subscription Form to Your Social Media Page

If you want to convert existing fans and followers into loyal readers and customers then you should create and add sign-up forms to your social media page(s). Adding a sign up form is an essential strategy for attracting new members to join your network marketing circles. It works well if you have a cool landing page.
Facebook has an option that allows you to design and embed a subscription form on your fan page or promote links to newsletters in your website or blog. Alternatively, you can copy and embed a link to an external sign up form which your fans or followers can access when they want to join your mailing list.

Promote Email Sign-up Via Social Networks

Another simple way of integrating social media and email marketing campaigns is to encourage fans to sign up for your newsletter via your Twitter or Facebook page. You can simply to this by posting links to the sign up page or your custom landing page. Sometimes, fans and even customers may not sign up for your email newsletter because your content marketing proposition is too salesy. However, you can overcome this by creating an interesting survey and sharing the links in your social networks. This will give readers and prospects the impetus to sign up and complete the survey. By creating and promoting links you’ll give your fans and the general public a reason to check out and even join your mailing list.

Provide Irresistible Incentives

It’s not enough for you to just write and automate your email marketing campaign and expect immediate results; you have to give subscribers a reason to want to join your mailing list. Give readers and prospects incentives once they subscribe to your e-mail newsletter. As part of attraction marketing, you should offer exclusive content, or a free webinar, or free eBook to readers who join your mailing list for the first time. Alternatively, you can offer coupons to prospects or readers who “like your Facebook page”. These and other email marketing campaign incentives will encourage fans and followers to join your mailing list or follow you in your social media sites.

Cross-Channel Campaign Management

Another incredible way of integrating social media and email marketing campaign is to use social media for cross-channel marketing management. You can use social media to follow up and engage subscribers who don’t open and read your emails. Instead of segmenting and re-targeting them with different e-mails, you can send them automated messages on their Twitter or Facebook inboxes after a certain period of time. To do this, you’ll first need to mine geographic data from Facebook and use it to send Facebook messages to readers or customers who buy products from your store.

Drive People from Your Thank You Page to Social Media Site

Driving new subscribers from your “Thank You page” to your social media site(s) is a simple, but effective technique of integrating social media into your email marketing campaign. Don’t just direct subscribers to the “Thank You page” once they respond to the call-to-action. You should engage them further by redirecting them to your social media profiles. To do this, you need to embed social media icons with links to your social media pages or even an online video marketing link to YouTube.
Integrating social media and email marketing campaign can boost the reach and effectiveness of your internet marketing campaigns. Simple techniques such as embedding social media buttons to your newsletters, adding subscription forms to your webpages, and encouraging readers to share will drive engagement and build customer loyalty. You should leverage the power of social media marketing and social sharing especially among readers who have social media accounts. When you do this consistently, your e-mail open rates and conversion will improve tremendously.

If You Don’t Have Google+ Places for Business, You’re Not on the Map

I mean this literally.  If you’re a business with a physical location that serves customers, having a Google+ Places for Business listing will put you on the Google map that appears on the right side of search results – and if you don’t have a Google+ Places for Business listing, you’re not on this map.

If You Don’t Have Google+ Places for Business, You’re Not on the Map image Google Places for business listings
When looking at the map, you’ll see various pins.  These pins correspond to a section of the search results that lists the businesses.  In the above image, the pin labeled “A” matches up with “Super Duper Pizza”.  It’s not uncommon to see businesses with a relatively low profile getting great exposure as is evident in the above example where Super Duper Pizza is listed well above Boston Pizza.
In addition to listing the business names in that particular section of the search results, their web address and contact information are also displayed, along with links to their respective Google reviews.
Google reviews are another powerful feature of Google+ Places for Business listings.  Reviews aren’t a good fit for all types of businesses so they’re not always present.  However, when they are there, they can be quite helpful to people.  Consider the above example.  If someone has never heard of Super Duper Pizza they may be persuaded to give them a try if the reviews are positive.
For Super Duper Pizza’s listing, the searcher has the choice of clicking on the business’ URL to visit the website, or they can click on the Google reviews link and be brought to Super Duper Pizza’s Google+ Places for Business page.  Here, the contact information is restated, there’s access to another Google map pinpointing the business’ location, and the business hours are posted.  Business hours are a very useful reference for people.  Personally, I know I often search for a company’s business hours while I’m planning out a day of running around to stores, especially on Sundays when store hours may be limited.  In the case of Super Duper Pizza, a searcher may want to know how late they stay open because they’re looking for an after-midnight delivery.  Super Duper Pizza’s Google+ Places for Business page also features “street view”, which is a picture of the business (or at least the building) from the perspective of someone on the street.  This is particularly handy when planning to visit a business on a street with many strip malls.  Now you’ll know which mall to visit without having to strain to spot street numbers.

If You Don’t Have Google+ Places for Business, You’re Not on the Map image Google Places for business listing detail
It doesn’t look like Super Duper Pizza has taken full advantage of their Google+ Places for Business page as they could add pictures of their various menu items, and they could also write a short description of their business.  Despite these shortcomings, their Google+ Places for Business page is great because of the reviews.  They’re glowing, and the reviewers have done a good job of describing the pizza so the reader can imagine it compared to other types of pizza on the market.  As any business owner knows, you can’t make 100% of the people happy 100% of the time, so there’s bound to be bad reviews. Businesses, however, can respond to customer reviews.  This allows for the opportunity to dig into the root cause of the dissatisfaction, or perhaps offer a sincere apology if it’s warranted.
According to Google, 97% of consumers search for local businesses online.  This makes sense, especially considering that people are searching on their smart phones while they’re out and about.  This stat underscores the importance for local businesses to be found when people are looking for them, and Google+ Places for Business can really help businesses, large and small, be easily found.  After all, if you’re not on the map while people are making decisions, you might as well be invisible.

If You Don’t Have Google+ Places for Business, You’re Not on the Map image f0a1a971 2013 4506 a83a 6ec1122f02a02
  If You Don’t Have Google+ Places for Business, You’re Not on the Map image c0e1d8b8 93da 44e2 8469 b1e11d1f020e1


วันจันทร์ที่ 8 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Why Can’t I Find a Work at Home Job?

Are you one of those people who has tried and tried to get a work at home job and you just can’t seem to get anywhere at all? I know it’s frustrating, but don’t give up. There are several reasons why you may not be getting any interest from employers and there are also some things you can do to increase your chances of getting hired.

Are you chasing after a dream job that doesn’t exist?

work at home job searchI know that this doesn’t apply to everyone, but there are a lot of people who believe that work at home isn’t actually work. They scan the job leads and forums looking for a job requiring no experience where all they do is sit at home, press buttons, and rake in lots and lots of money. Somehow, they think that by working at home they won’t really be working at all. And when they find out that they can’t get a job like that just handed over to them, they become frustrated and start complaining that they can’t find a work at home job. Yes, I honestly do get occasional emails from people who want this kind of work that doesn’t even exist and when I can’t give them information on it (since it isn’t real), they decide I’m just no help.
In reality, there are a lot of work at home jobs, but work at home is work. I can’t speak for everyone, but I know that I work just as hard at home as I did outside the home.

Are you qualified for the jobs you’re applying to?

Some people apply to everything they come across whether they are truly qualified or not, using the same generic resume. While casting a wide net can be a good thing, you also might be wasting time that could be spent on things that might actually get you somewhere — like tweaking your resume.

Are you being too picky?

On the flip side, some people do the opposite of casting a wide net. They won’t apply to anything at all unless it’s a perfect fit. Doing this will likely decrease your chances of actually getting a home-based job. There will probably be some things you’ll have to compromise on whether you really want to or not.

Are you not bothering because you don’t think you’re qualified?

Many people won’t even apply for certain positions because they don’t believe they’re qualified. But did you know that cashier work you might have done way back when can count as customer service experience? When you start looking at things like that, it opens up a lot of doors that you probably assumed were closed to you.

Is your resume as good as it can possibly be?

Take a long look at your resume and put yourself in the shoes of the person doing the hiring. Are you truly a good candidate for the job you want? You have to remember that there is a lot of competition for work at home employment. Since you can’t meet your potential employer in person, you’ve got to come across as good as you can on paper.
It’s also smart to include a cover letter with your resume. Don’t share your life history, but do create a couple of straight to the point paragraphs explaining why you want the job and why you’re very qualified for the work. Be direct, polite, and keep it fairly short. Your potential employer will have a lot of resumes to sort through and won’t want to waste time reading a cover letter that’s excessively long.
If you don’t think you can create an impressive resume for yourself, hire a professional to do it for you. I have some links to resume resources on this page that should help you get started.

Is your resume tailored to the job you’re applying for?

If you can, it’s smart to tailor your resume to the type of job you’re applying for. Many people use the same generic resume for absolutely everything. Instead of doing that, pay close attention to what exactly the company is looking for in terms of your skills, etc. Try to make sure your resume showcases that you have what they want and would be capable of doing the job.

Are there large gaps in your employment history?

I know a lot of people have trouble landing jobs because of long periods of unemployment. There is no way around the fact that this can hurt you, and an employer may not even bother to schedule a phone interview with you after seeing that. If they did, you might be able to explain the gaps, but all too often your resume will just be placed into the “no” pile. So what can you do? First off, think about anything you have done during those times. Did you do any volunteer work or go to school? Definitely list it if you did! That at least counts as doing something.
Another thing you can do to make your resume look a little better when you have those gaps is to not be too specific with the dates. For example, if you worked for six months in 2001 but not again until the end of 2002, don’t list the months you worked. You could just put the year next to the job you did instead, and it will just look like you were employed both years. If you’re lucky, no more questions will be asked.
If you didn’t do any volunteer work or go to school while you were unemployed and you have gaps in your history that extend for more than a year, there aren’t a lot of ways to “fix” it. Hopefully you will get a chance to explain the gaps if you’re asked about them.

Have you had too many jobs?

Job hopping doesn’t look much better than going for long periods of time without a job. If your resume shows that you’ve had several jobs that you haven’t held down for very long, that could make the person doing the hiring think you won’t be around long at their company, either. A way around this is to avoid listing every single job you’ve had. It’s not a rule that you have to do that, anyway. Just list the jobs that would be most relevant to the one you’re applying for now.

What do your social media profiles say about you?

Don’t think for one minute that a potential employer won’t take the time to look you up on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. Sure, there’s a chance they won’t bother, but there’s also a good chance that they will — especially since they can’t meet you in person and this would give them a feel for you and your personality. If you have anything publicly displayed that seems rather unprofessional, get that cleaned up before you apply!
And speaking of social media, set yourself up a professional profile on LinkedIn and provide the link somewhere on your resume. If you do a great job fleshing out your LinkedIn profile, this could actually help you land a job.

Are you staying on top of the “work at home” world?

Learn everything you can about the industry you’re interested in. Know what companies hire people to work from home and how they operate. Definitely read forums like WAHM and Work Place Like Home regularly. Job leads get posted on those sites all the time and sometimes potential employers also post at those places to get the word out that they are hiring. I learned a great deal of what I know about working from home just from being active on those two boards. Also, keep up with my blog as well as the other blogs I recommend here. You will have an advantage over other employees if you educate yourself on working from home and make an effort to keep yourself informed and up to date on what’s happening in the work at home world.

Don’t Give Up

Sometimes you can also just blame it on bad luck. But luck does turn around eventually, so for sure keep trying. There’s no question telecommuting is on the rise, so I expect that there will be more and more home-based jobs popping up all the time.
Also — I come across a lot of volunteer, non-paid internships on Craigslist and places like that. While you’re searching for home-based employment, it might not be a bad idea to do some of these because it can give you experience in fields you may be wanting to break into and it also looks fantastic on your resume to show that you’ve volunteered at anything. And you can list the work you did as experience.
Another idea is to consider furthering your education. Take some courses (either online or offline) in whatever you’re interested in, then list that education on your resume.

Please feel free to share your thoughts below. Do you have any tips that might help another person land a home job when it seems that they can’t?
By Anna T

22+ Work at Home Facebook Pages to Follow

pages to like on facebook


Yesterday, Miranda at Work at Home Adventures wrote a very interesting post about how a lot of people are resistant to signing up for Facebook and how this resistance could be detrimental to their efforts at finding legit work from home. This is very, very true because many of the job leads and other information I discover are found via Facebook and the various work at home related pages that I follow.
There is nothing wrong with not joining Facebook if you absolutely are against it and you can certainly find work at home jobs without it by following blogs like this one and visiting the forums, but Miranda made a great point that Facebook is an excellent resource! If you are on Facebook, here is a big list of work at home related pages that I “like” personally that you may also want to consider following yourself if you’re actively seeking work at home leads, advice, and other information.

Helpful Facebook Pages to “Like”:

… and of course don’t forget to like my page, Real Ways to Make Money Online. I post job leads and other information that should help you almost daily!
I realize this is a big list! Some of these pages post more than others and some are more about home business rather than working from home, but they all post valuable content at least occasionally and I do “like” each of these pages personally.
Do you have a work at home related page of your own, or do you want to suggest one you know about to others? Please feel free to share in the comments!

How to Search For Work From Home

searching home jobs
I have written before about where to search for work from home, but not so much about how to search for work from home. There are several good job search sites you can utilize as well as some websites you can visit that regularly list home job leads.
Once you are on a job search site, you’ll need to put in some smart search terms to narrow things down to the home-based jobs. You can get super creative with this and even narrow it down to specific types of home-based jobs!
My two favorite searchable job boards that I use most every day are Adhuntr and Indeed. Adhuntr searches all of Craigslist and Indeed searches several major job boards at once, which honestly saves a lot of time for me because there are so many job boards out there.

How to Search

There are a number of different keywords you can type into the keyword field on both sites that will bring up primarily home-based jobs. You should type all of these keywords inside quotations so you’ll get only listings with that exact phrase rather than a variation of it. For example, if I type in work from home without quotes around it in the keyword box, sometimes I end up with listings that contain the words work and home, but not necessarily together, so this means it’s likely not a home job. This is why the quotations are so important.
If you are wanting to narrow down your search to something very specific like work from home transcription jobs or work from home writing jobs, you can type in “work from home” “transcription” together, both in quotes, or “work from home” “writing,” and your results will populate with listings that contain both phrases.
Also, note the date of the listings you get. When I’m on Adhuntr, I always tell it to sort by most recent or past month so I don’t end up with a bunch of expired listings. Indeed will also tell you how many days ago the listing was posted and you may notice at the top of the listing if the job has expired already.

Search Terms

Obviously, “work from home” is a great search term to use, but it’s not the only one. Not every company uses that exact phrase to describe their home-based jobs! Here is a big list of many search terms you should use to ensure you find as many work from home jobs as possible. And remember, type these all inside of quotations!
  • “work from home”
  • “work at home”
  • “work remotely”
  • “home-based”
  • “home based”
  • “virtual”
  • “remote”
  • “remote location”
  • “telecommuting”
  • “telecommute”
  • “work from anywhere”
  • “location: anywhere” (good to use on Adhuntr since they have a specific location field)
  • “location: remote”
  • “freelance” – (not all freelance jobs are work from home, but many are so it’s worth checking)
  • “work from home” + “freelance”
  • “virtual office”
  • “this is a remote position”
  • “working remotely from home”
  • “working from home”
  • “working at home”
  • “work offsite”
  • “offsite position”
  • “work may be done from home”
  • “work can be done from home”
These terms should get you off to a good start. Obviously you may not have time to go through each term (I know I don’t). But just experiment with the terms and see which ones tend to give you the best results and you’ll find you have some favorite, go-to search terms.

Watch Out for Scams!

It’s possible to run up on work from home scams no matter which job search site you use. The people behind these sites certainly have good intentions, but it’s simply impossible for them to weed out everything. This is why it’s always your responsibility to do your own research and investigate jobs carefully before applying or sharing too much of your personal information. I have a list of tips here for spotting work from home scams, or you can browse through the various posts I’ve written about specific scams here to learn more about each type.
Feel free to share you own home job searching tips below!



64+ Easy Ways to Save Money Online

The internet marketing blogosphere spends a lot of time talking about how to make money online (and rightly so), but very little is said about ways to save money online.
Everything else held equal, saving $1 has the same effect on your bank account as earning $1.  Often times, the process of saving money can be “passive” just like income, in that you can make changes that have residual effects or recurring benefits.
My post about 142+ ways to make money online was so popular that I thought I’d do a similar one about saving money.  I put a lot of time into this post, so hopefully you will find it useful.

Note:  Many of the links below are affiliate links.  In some cases, if you sign up to a particular service or make a purchase, I will receive a commission.  I have only included affiliate links on the products or services that I have personally used or experienced.  The bottom line is, I want this article to be a valuable resource for you, not simply a source of income for me.



Getting Cash Back on Online Puchases

Here are several sites that will give you a rebate for purchases you make online (e.g. You might spend $100 at Walmart.com and get $8 back if they offer an 8% rate of cash back through one of the sites listed below).

  1. eBatesThis is probably the easiest way to save money on purchases you make online because you’ll get a % of your purchase back in cash from over 1,500 stores, including most of the places you probably already shop (Walmart, Amazon, Staples, Kohl’s, Walgreens, and many more).  Sign up for free and get a $10 gift card after your first $25 purchase (this is in addition to whatever % cash you’ll be getting back).
  2. BigCrumbs - I’ve only recently started using BigCrumbs and it seems promising.  They have just about as many stores as eBates but they pay cash rebates monthly (instead of quarterly like eBates) and claim to offer more cash back (I haven’t used it enough yet to verify that claim).  They’re reputable though and have been around for 7+ years.  I’d start with eBates for the inital bonus, but then from there, use BigCrumbs if/when they have better deals.
  3. Mr. Rebates - This site has the same exact concept as eBates, and also has 1,500+ stores to choose from.  Since it’s free to sign up and use, I like to use this in conjunction with eBates and BigCrumbs in case they ever have a store that the others don’t have or perhaps offers more cash back from a particular place that I want to buy from. You get $5 free for signing up, however I generally prefer eBates due to the $10 gift card bonus and they tend to have better deals for what I’m looking for.
  4. Upromise - This is a cash back site with a very unique angle.  When you shop online, the money you get back can be used to pay off a student loan, be put into a college savings account (529 Plan), or paid to a college for tuition.  While it’s essentially the same as getting cash back, it’s a nice way to help you or someone you know save for college.
  5. ShopAtHome.com – Similar to the above sites, but no signup bonus.
Here’s a clip from a FOX News story that explains how eBates (and pretty much all other cash back sites) work:



“Daily Deal” Sites

These sites have taken the coupon concept to the next level, offering deep discounts (50-80% off) on food, household services (cleaning, etc.) and many other products and services. The wonderful thing is, these sites are all free to join and you can use any or all of them.
  1. Groupon – Although they weren’t the original “daily deal” site, they’re credited for being the site that made the daily deal concept so widespread and recognizable.  If you’re not in the U.S. or live in a small city, you might not get a lot of value from Groupon, but it’s great for those in or near larger cities.  I regularly (at least 1-2 times per month) make purchases from Groupon.  Generally, I’m purchasing “Groupons” for restaurants.  It’s a great way to try a new restaurant for (usually) 50%+ off the regular price.
  2. Restaurant.com – This technically isn’t a daily deal site, but I list it here because it accomplishes the same thing: deep discounts on restaurant food.  The way it typically works, for example, is you will spend $10 for a $25 gift certificate to a restaurant (so it’s essentially a $15 discount).  What I like though is that they often run deals where you can get the $25 gift certificate for only $3, so the discounts can be even larger. Depending on your city, they have a great selection of restaurants to choose from.
  3. Living SocialSimilar to Groupon, but tends to have less of a selection.  I’ll use this too periodically, if an offer interests me.
  4. Google Offers – Also like Groupon and Living Social, although I tend to find more national deals here (e.g. I previously purchased a $10 voucher for Starbucks, for $5).
  5. Rue La La – This one is a bit different than the others because it focuses on products that aren’t food-related.  Most of what the site sells is high-end fashionable clothes and home goods.  My girlfriend buys things from there all the time, which is why I’m so familiar with it.  While I will admit it’s geared toward women, they also have stuff for men.  It’s a good place to buy premium, brand name products at reasonable prices.
  6. Gilt – This is another one that my girlfriend and I have used, similar to Rue La La. I like Gilt more because there’s a better selection of home goods (usually) and men stuff.   Again, high quality products for reasonable prices.
  7. Woot! - I like to think of Woot! as a daily deal site with personality.  They’ve been around forever, possibly longer than Groupon (I think).  They’re now owned by Amazon, but they still operate as the same daily deal site they’ve always been.  They tend to put focus on one deal per day, but across various categories, you can see several deals each day.
  8. Thrillist – This a more “hip” site that’s probably geared towards men (although they definitely have deals on things that appeal to both genders, including food).
  9. EverSave – This site is a cross between a daily deal site and a coupon site (I’ve listed the coupon sites below).
  10. Deal Find
  11. DailyDeals.com
  12. Yugster
  13. 1 Sale a Day




Coupon Sites

These are exactly what they sound like – sites that allow you to print/download coupons.  Unlike the “daily deal” sites, these are more like the traditional coupons you’re used to (for groceries, etc.).
  1. Coupons.com - It’s just what it sounds like.  All you need to do is sign up, download their coupon printer (it’s legit, don’t worry), and print out any coupons that look attractive to you.  These are normal, manufacturer coupons like saving $1 on a six-pack of Pepsi or $1.50 on two boxes of General Mills cereal (for example).
  2. RetailMeNot – Another site with coupons, but these tend to go beyond just manufacturer coupons.  For example, you can find GoDaddy coupon codes for domains, and other similar online services/products.
  3. Save1 - Save1 is a  family owned coupon and loyalty site representing more than 5,000 of the top online merchants.  What makes them different from other similar sites is that when someone shops from Save1 to save money, they provide a healthy meal to a malnourished child through one of their non-profit feeding partners.
  4. SmartSource – Similar to Coupons.com, has a lot of manufacturer coupons to use in stores.
  5. Coupon Cabin – This site is very similar to RetailMeNot.
  6. Savings Mania
  7. The Bargainist




Getting Rid of Cable TV

Up until recently, I was paying $146/month for high-speed cable internet and TV (with an HD DVR box, which made it more expensive).  Yes, Comcast is expensive, at least in Chicago (where it’s basically your only option for high-speed internet and digital cable TV).  One day, I took a step back and said “wow, why am I paying this much?
I was able to cancel the cable TV portion of my subscription and now I only pay $40/month for internet.  To fill the TV void, here are a few things I purchased:
  1. Netflix – Good selection of streaming TV and movies, and if you want to pay a little more, you can get DVDs by mail.  I pay for the streaming only plan ($7.99/month), which I stream through Play Station 3.  Today, there are probably at least a dozen devices aside from your PC where you can stream Netflix.
  2. Hulu Plus – I find Hulu Plus fills the primary void of Netflix – TV episodes for the current season.  Not only do they have current season episodes of most TV shows, but their general TV show library is a lot deeper than Netflix.  This is also $7.99/month and I stream it via my Play Station 3.  You can get a free trial here.
  3. The Leaf - Finally, for local TV channels (ABC, NBC, FOX, and more depending on where you live), I use the Leaf antennae to get HD TV.  This fills the primary void of Netflix and Hulu Plus – you can watch your local news, sports, and anything else that appears on network TV stations. Sure, you can get by without this, but if you have a HDTV, you’ll want to be able to watch these channels in HD.  There’s no monthly cost for The Leaf (it’s about $40 to purchase).
All in all, I’m spending $56/month for internet and TV, a nice savings ($90) from what I was paying before, and I don’t feel like I’m missing much.



Deal Aggregation Sites

These are sites that I follow regularly to see when any good deals pop up.  Most of the time, I’m looking for deals on electronics, but they will highlight any and every deal that they come across online or in retail stores.
  1. Slickdeals.net - This one is my favorite, and they have a pretty robust forum where you can find deals that just came out (before the site editor has a chance to put it on the front page). This is a community of serious bargain-hunters who don’t mind sharing a good deal when they see one.  Highly recommended.
  2. Fat Wallet – Another good site like Slickdeals, but I don’t visit it nearly as often.  They also have coupons and cash-back deals similar to some of the other sites mentioned above.
  3. Ben’s Bargains
  4. DealNews
  5. Tech Bargains
  6. DealCatcher
  7. My Bargain Buddy



Price Comparison Sites

When you’re going to buy something, especially if it’s a “big ticket” item, you obviously want to get the best price on it.  That’s beauty of price comparison websites – they they pull prices from all over the internet for whatever you’re searching, and show you where the best deal is.
  1. BizRate – One of the most popular price comparison sites online.  Just type in whatever you’re looking for, click search, and compare prices.
  2. Price Grabber – Another very popular price comparison site that I’ve used several times.
  3. Google Product Search – Google’s price comparison search engine.  It’s a Google application, so you know it’s good.
  4. PriceWatch – I almost view this one like the “Craigslist” of price comparison sites.  It’s ugly looking, but very useful.
  5. Shopzilla
  6. Shopping.com
  7. Yahoo! Shopping
  8. Nextag
  9. mySimon
  10. CNET Shopper


Saving Money on Travel

These could have gone with the “price comparison” sites, but because searching for airfare and hotel is so different from buying merchandise online, I figured it deserves its own category.
  1. Expedia – I’ve used this to book many trips, and always feel like I’m able to get a good deal on an airfare + hotel package. No issues, so I highly recommend them.
  2. Travelocity - Another travel price comparison site like Expedia.
  3. Orbitz
  4. Kayak
  5. Priceline

Auction & Classified Ad Sites

These are sites where you can buy products from other people, often used and at a big discount.  Whenever you’re buying something used or buying from someone you don’t know, just be sure to take caution.  Many of the big online auction sites have rating systems so that you can make sure you’re dealing with reputable sellers.
  1. eBay - The world’s largest online auction site.  You can literally find anything and everything here, both new and used.  I’ve sold and purchased many things on eBay over the past 10 years.  If you do a little research, you can almost always get a good deal on whatever you’re seeking.
  2. CraigslistClassified ads site that is free to use (both for selling and buying).  It doesn’t have a ratings system like eBay, so you have to take extra caution when buying something here.  I’ve used it many times without a problem though, both as a buyer and a seller.
  3. BackpageSimilar to Craigslist.
  4. Half.com - Owned by eBay, this is a site where you can buy and sell used books, music, movies, etc.  The main difference between this site and eBay is that products are not sold in an auction format.
  5. eBid – Another online auction site.
  6. uBid – Online auction site.
  7. OLX – Another online classifieds site.

Budgeting/Saving Money/Coupon Blogs

Here are some of the more popular blogs that discuss things like budgeting, “extreme couponing”, and other similar topics.  You might find some good ideas along with further links to good deals or coupons.
  1. Coupon Mom
  2. The Krazy Coupon Lady
  3. Coupon Geek
  4. Common Sense with Money
  5. Money Saving Mom
  6. Fabulessly Frugal
  7. Bargain Briana
  8. Stretching a Buck 


That’s everything! I will probably come back to this page and update it periodically as I find new sites or as people recommend them to me.  You may want to bookmark it for future reference.
What do you think? Do you have anything I should add to this list?  Please share your feedback in the comments!
I did spend a lot of time putting this list together, so if you want to say “thank you,” please share this on Twitter, Facebook, or wherever you like to share things.  Thanks! :)

142+ Ways to Make Money Online

I love list posts, especially ones that can be bookmarked and revisited as a resource.  I’ve always wanted to create something like that, which is what led me to this article.  I’ve been working on this article for a couple months now, adding to it little by little.  I’m proud to be able to finally share it with you today.
The contents of this article are not in any way revolutionary.  Given enough time (this actually took much longer than I expected), you could easily compile a similar list. The concept of making money online is so broad, however, that I wanted a resource that captures most aspects of it.  Take from it whatever you’d like, or simply bookmark it for future reference.
Here’s some food for thought: If you could find a way to make just $1 per day utilizing each of the following sources, you would earn over $52,000 per year!
Side note: I could have easily used affiliate links for the majority of the items listed below, however I have decided to only use affiliate links for services that I actually use, or ones that I’ve seen highly recommended.  The vast majority of these links are not affiliate links.  I want this article to be a valuable resource, not a source of income for me.
[Update: In addition to this list, I have now published one titled "64+ Ways to Save Money Online" that I think you'll enjoy if you enjoyed this one.]

Getting Paid for Performing Simple Tasks

  1. Cash Crate - This site is pretty cool because you can get paid for doing a variety of simple tasks online.  Just for signing up, they give you a free dollar.  In addition to getting paid for simple tasks, there are also a lot of great ways to get coupons and cash back for purchases you might typically make.  For example, you can sign up for a free trial of Stamps.com, and Cash Crate gives you $9.60. Although each individual task may be small, it adds up.  This is a great place to “get your feet wet” with regard to making money online.

Getting Money Back for Regular Online Purchases You Make

It’s pretty common to shop online these days, so why shouldn’t you use this as an opportunity to make even more money online?  Here are some places you can sign up to and you’ll be able to shop at many of your favorite stores AND get cash back (in addition to whatever your credit card gives you).
  1. eBates - This one is my favorite.  [Free $10 gift card after your first $25 purchase.]  I love this site because there are over 2,000 stores to choose from including Walmart, Sears, Target, and many others.  If you are doing any online shopping, you should be using a site like this. It’s free money that you wouldn’t otherwise get.
  2. Mr. Rebates - Get $5 free just for signing up. This is very similar to eBates, so it makes sense to sign up for both and then when you go to shop at a store, just go to whichever one offers the better cash back deal.

Revenue Sharing Article/Bookmarking Websites

I’m leading with this category because I believe article writing is one of the best ways to get started making money online if you’re new to the game.  It costs nothing, and you can be up and running within a matter of minutes.  There is a learning curve (especially with respect to SEO and researching keywords) and you’ll need to be patient, but in time, this can be a significant source of passive income.  Not sure of what to write about?  I’ve discussed that before. Note: These are not listed in any particular order.
  1. InfoBarrel - This has been a continually increasing source of online passive income for me (ever since my original “challenge”).  Last month, I earned $96 with InfoBarrel.  If you want to see what others are earning, check out Mike Moyer’s January InfoBarrel earnings rankings.  The top person on there earned $1,586 from InfoBarrel last month.  InfoBarrel’s AdSense revenue share ranges from 75% to 90%, and also includes Chitika and Amazon ads.
  2. Squidoo - Another revenue-sharing article site (great for building backlinks to your niche sites).  They share revenue, but the way they do it is a bit complicated.
  3. HubPages - One of the more popular revenue-sharing article websites. I still prefer InfoBarrel to HubPages due to its relative youth and growth potential, but HubPages is also a great option, even just for backlinking.  The AdSense share here is 60%, and you can also monetize with Kontera, eBay and Amazon.
  4. Bukisa - Article site with 60% revenue share (Adsense or Chitika).
  5. Xomba - High-ranking bookmarking site with 50% AdSense revenue share (links are no-follow).  They recently changed their rules to disallow links to your own content (to improve the quality of the site), so use this at your own risk.
  6. Snipsly - Social bookmarking site with 80% revenue share (AdSense).
  7. Seekyt - Article site with 70% revenue share (AdSense and Amazon).
  8. SquidStop - Social bookmarking site with 100% revenue share (AdSense).
  9. Jevitt - Social bookmarking site with 80% revenue share (AdSense).
  10. SheToldMe - Social bookmarking site with 100% revenue share (AdSense).
  11. TipDrop - Social bookmarking site with 75% revenue share (AdSense).
  12. Best Reviewer – Get paid to write top lists (e.g. “Top 10 Ways to…”) – 100% AdSense revenue share.
  13. Flixya – Share video, photos, and blogs – 100% AdSense revenue share.
  14. Mixx – Share a variety of content (articles, photos, videos) for 50% AdSense revenue share.
  15. Rate It All – Write reviews or rate products, and get 50% AdSense revenue share on your content there.

Peer-to-Peer Lending

Peer-to-peer lending is an interesting concept, because it allows individuals to secure relatively large loans without getting a bank involved.  On its face, it sounds like a risky proposition, but these P2P lending sites generally have good measures in place to mitigate your risk (not to mention, you’re compensated for this risk by earning very high interest rates).  In addition, you can usually invest in someone else’s loan for a small amount (e.g. $25), which reduces the risk you take for any given loan.
  1. Lending Club (U.S. Residents Only) - I’ve been talking about this site ever since I started this blog, so there’s no reason to stop now.  Lending Club is an important part of my passive income strategy.  I discuss it in all of my income reports, so you can read those for more detail.  As I’ve said several times, I believe this is my only true source of passive income.
  2. Community Lend - Like Lending Club, for Canada residents.  I have not done business with them, so do a bit of research first if you plan to invest here.

Books to Help You Make Money Online

How I Made My First Million on the Internet
These are some of the top books (according to Amazon.com) for making money online.
  1. How I Made My First Million on the Internet – And How You Can Too!
  2. The Six-Figure Second Income
  3. Internet Prophets: The World’s Leading Experts Reveal How to Profit Online
  4. Click Millionaires: Work Less, Live More with an Internet Business You Love




Social Media (Specifically, Twitter)

Social networking and social media is a great way to share your content, gain followers, and in general, increase your presence online.  There are, however, ways to make money by sharing someone else’s content with your followers via Twitter.  I generally don’t consider this to be a great way to make money online, but it can be lucrative for those who have a big following. (Side note: I tried to see if there was a way to sell Facebook “likes” or get paid to share content on Facebook, and couldn’t find anything.)
  1. Sponsored Tweets - Just like it sounds, this site allows you to make money by tweeting for someone else.  I wrote about it here.
  2. MyLikes - Very similar to SponsoredTweets, however I like Sponsored Tweets a bit more.
  3. Magpie - Another Twitter advertising platform.


Freelancing / Pay-Per-Project

You’ll recognize many of the sites below.  However, when I usually write about them, I’m referring to them as means of outsourcing.  In this case, I’m listing them as ways to make money online by being a provider of services.
  1. Elance - I love Elance for outsourcing, and on the flip side, it could be a great way to make money online as a freelancer.
  2. oDeskSame as Elance, although many say that oDesk is the better choice for hiring programmers.
  3. MicroworkersMake money by performing mini-tasks.  I wrote a review on Microworkers early last year.
  4. Mechanical Turk - Owned by Amazon, this site is similar to Microworkers, but maybe a bit more sophisticated.
  5. FiverrMake money online by offering virtually any service or mini-task…the catch is, you have to charge $5!
  6. Just a Five – Very similar to Fiverr.
  7. TenBux – Make money with gigs that cost either $5 or $10.
  8. GigMe5 – I think you get the idea…
  9. UpHype – Another gig site, with odd price points: $8, $16, or $24.
  10. Dollar3 – A gig site with price point in multiples of $3, starting at $3.
  11. Jobs for 10 – Take a guess at what this one’s about.
  12. Fittytown – A little bit more upscale – all gigs are $50 each.
  13. Demand Media – A great site for freelance writers, however you must be approved first (and I’ve heard they’re somewhat selective).  Once you’re accepted, however, you can earn up to $15+ per article, which can be quite lucrative if you’re a fast writer.
  14. Constant Content – Another freelance writing site.
  15. Associated Content – Earn up-front payments for articles and also get paid based on views (I’m told it’s a very small amount).
  16. Break Studios – Freelance writing site similar to Demand Studios, though they pay less (up to $8/article), however the article length requirements can be shorter.




E-Mail Marketing

E-mail marketing is one of the oldest forms of making money online.  As the old cliche goes, “the money is in the list.” Within the MMO niche, e-mail marketing has become somewhat annoying, but there are some people who still do it well.  I like to think my newsletter subscribers get value out of my e-mail, as I very rarely promote anything.  I think e-mail marketing is critical, not just because it’s a way to drive traffic to things that make you money, but because it’s another way to stay in touch with people who follow your website, blog, or brand.  I only use Aweber, but I thought it would be helpful to include a list of alternatives.  I’ve noted the ones that are free.
  1. AweberThis is what I use for my newsletter, and it works really well.
  2. Getresponse
  3. Stream Send
  4. iContact
  5. 1AutomationWiz
  6. Send FreeHas a free ad-supported option.
  7. Free Follow Up – One time fee of $4.99, and then free lifetime usage (I can’t attest to the quality of the service though.)
  8. Supersponders
  9. Topica
  10. MailChimp – Send up to 12,000 e-mails per month to a list of up to 2,000 subscribers for free.



Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

There are some people who make a living with PPC ad campaigns, so it’s definitely a viable way to make money online, either as a publisher or advertiser.  Be careful though – you can easily lose a lot of money if you aren’t continually testing and optimizing ads.
  1. Google AdSense – Probably the most common way to monetize a website or blog.  You can easily add AdSense ads to your site and earn money for each click.  Click value depends on your niche and targeted keywords.
  2. Google AdWords – This is the flip side to AdSense. You can use Google AdWords to drive traffic (which costs money of course) to a landing page or website where you will ideally make more money off that traffic than what it costs you per click.
  3. Chitika – Another way to monetize your website with ads, similar to AdSense.  Usually, Chitika ads don’t pay as well, but can still be effective.
  4. Facebook Ads – Similar concept to AdWords.  Create ads that drive traffic to a landing page, blog, or an affiliate offer (I’m not sure if you can still use affiliate links with Facebook ads).  Facebook ads are nice because you can target very specific demographics and funnel that targeted traffic to a product or service you’re selling.
  5. MySpace Ads – Similar concept to Facebook Ads.
  6. LinkedIn Ads
  7. 7Search – An inexpensive alternative to AdWords.  There’s obviously less traffic, but it’s a fraction of what it costs you on AdWords.
  8. Speedy Ads – Another PPC alternative.  Looks like a pretty cool site, though I’ve never used them.


 Pay-Per-View (PPV) Advertising

Another way to drive traffic to your affiliate promotions and landing pages.  The benefit here is that they are usually less strict than PPC sites (i.e. you can usually directly link to an affiliate offer).  It’s a different beast though, from what I’ve been told, so it’s best to do a little bit of research before you spend money on PPV traffic.
  1. Direct CPV
  2. Lead Impact
  3. Traffic Vance
  4. AdOn Network
  5. Media Traffic
  6. Adoori



Cost-Per-Action (CPA) Offer Sites

These are great for monetizing your blog/website, or using in conjunction with PPC/PPV ads.  In general, CPA offers allow you to be paid for someone completing an action.  For example, there may be an offer that requires someone to input their e-mail address or zip code.  Upon that submission, you’re paid an amount, usually ranging between $1-10.  There are more lucrative offers that pay $20+, like filling out a short form for a free credit report.  It may require some creativity to use CPA offers to monetize your website or PPC ad campaign, but there are people who make a living doing this online.
Note: Many of these sites are selective about who they accept.  They want to make sure you’re going to send legitimate traffic to offers, and will often want to talk to you on the phone before they allow you to begin making money with them.  There’s a thread on Warrior Forum that gives you some good tips.
  1. CX Digital
  2. Neverblue
  3. Affiliate.com
  4. GetAds
  5. MaxBounty
  6. Epic Direct/Azoogle
  7. Clickbooth
  8. Offerweb
  9. DirectLeads
  10. CPA Lead
  11. Web Jam Ads
  12. Market Leverage
  13. Inuvo
  14. Flux Ads
  15. Adfish
  16. Offer Vault - Compare offers from many CPA networks (free sign up, but beware, they like to send e-mail frequently).



Answering Questions / Giving Advice

I don’t see this talked about too much within the MMO niche, but there are several sites that allow you to make money by answering people’s questions online (usually related to very specific topics).  For some of these sites, you need to sign up and be approved before you can begin answering questions for money.
  1. Just Answer - Great if you are an expert in a particular field.
  2. kgbGet paid for answering questions that people send via mobile text message.
  3. Fun Advice - Earn points for answering questions, which get converted to dollars.
  4. EtherThis is actually a pretty cool concept.  Essentially, you’re selling your advice via telephone (almost like a phone version of Just Answer). They give you a free Ether phone number (which forwards to an actual phone), you set your hourly (or by-the-minute) rate, and you can schedule times that you’re available for calls.  You can also sell digital content via Ether.
  5. ChaCha – Very similar to kgb.
  6. Web Answers – Answer questions and earn a share of AdSense revenue, which is based on the quality of your answer and other factors.



Selling Products You Own

When we think of “making money online,” we often immediately think about affiliate marketing or selling digital products.  Sometimes, it’s easy to forget one of the oldest forms of making money online…selling products you own! Clear out your house, apartment, or bedroom.  Instead of throwing things away or letting them pile up and make a mess, get some money for them.
  1. Gazelle - This is a great place to sell back your gadgets that you don’t use anymore (like your old iPhone, laptop, etc.).  I was able to sell back my iPhone to them for $150 and put that money toward a new iPhone 5.  They even pay the shipping cost for you to ship the product to them.
  2. Amazon – You can actually sell back or trade in items you own to Amazon and receive Amazon gift card credit.
  3. eBay - The most popular auction site online.
  4. Craigslist - The most popular (and free) classified site online.
  5. Backpage
  6. Half.com
  7. Shopit
  8. Oodle
  9. Sell.com



Selling Products You Don’t Own

…Also known as affiliate marketing.  This is perhaps the most common or hottest way to make money online at the moment.  You recommend a product, using an affiliate link.  Someone clicks through that link , purchases the product, and you get a commission.  It’s a simple concept, but sometimes difficult to execute.
One common way to do it is to create a niche site – a site generally focused on one type of product or sub-market – and populate the site with relevant articles, with affiliate links embedded.  One of my current challenges is to add $20,000 per year to my passive income portfolio by creating niche sites that focus on Amazon products.  Here are some good sources for products to sell as an affiliate:
  1. Amazon AssociatesWhen someone clicks on your Amazon affiliate link, you’ll receive a commission from anything they purchase within 24 hours.
  2. eBay Partner Network – Earn a commission on eBay auctions that people find via your affiliate links.
  3. Commission Junction – Huge marketplace of affiliate offers.
  4. Clickbank – One of the largest marketplaces for eBooks and other digital products.
  5. E-JunkieSimilar to Clickbank, but I find it a bit more difficult to navigate and find certain digital products to sell as an affiliate.
  6. Google Affiliate Network - I view this as pretty similar to Commission Junction.
  7. DigiResults – Very similar to E-Junkie and Clickbank.



Selling Products You Designed, But Don’t Own!

In some cases, you may want to design your own products (we’re talking simple things, like t-shirts, magnets, mugs, etc.), but you don’t want to take on the cost of having inventory that you can’t sell.  The below options are great for this situation – for the most part, it’s free to set up a virtual storefront, and you earn money when your products sell (and if nothing sells, it costs you nothing).  These are generally great if you already have an established brand and want to sell your branded gear.
  1. Cafe Press – Easily design products like t-shirts, mugs, etc. and sell them from a virtual storefront through Cafe Press.
  2. E-Shirt – Cheaper alternative to Cafe Press that focuses primarily on t-shirts.
  3. Spreadshirt – Similar to E-Shirt.
  4. Zazzle – Very similar to Cafe Press.
  5. Shirt City – Another shirt design site/store.


Taking Surveys

This isn’t really my cup of tea, but there are several sites that will pay you to take surveys or give your opinions.  Important note: Don’t ever pay to sign up to a site that offers to pay you for surveys.  Here are ones that, based on my limited research, are legitimate.
  1. Dollar Surveys
  2. Opinion Outpost
  3. Toluna
  4. Global Test Market
  5. MySurvey
  6. Pinecone Research
  7. ZoomPanel
  8. Permission Research
  9. Synovate
  10. MyView
  11. Test Spin
  12. Clear Voice Surveys
  13. Hot Spex
  14. Survey Spot


Writing Reviews

There are some good sites out there that will pay you to write reviews on your blog for various products and services.  I haven’t done much of this, but I’m hoping to eventually incorporate it into my niche sites.  Some of them are picky about what blogs they accept/approve, so you may have to wait until your blog is older and more established.
  1. Social Spark
  2. Pay Per Post
  3. Expo TV - Get paid for doing video reviews of products you own.
  4. Blog To Profit
  5. Bloggerwave
  6. Blogging Ads
  7. Blogitive
  8. Linkworth
  9. PayU2Blog
  10. Sponsored Reviews


Stock Trading / Investing Online

If you’re willing to do a bit of research and take on the risk, you can buy and sell stocks online.  Some people make a good living trading stocks on a daily basis, while others have lost significant amounts of money doing it.
  1. E*TRADE
  2. Sharebuilder
  3. Scottrade
  4. TD Ameritrade
  5. Trade King


Selling Your Photos Online

There are several sites that allow you to sell photos or images that you have created.  Here they are:
  1. Shutterstock
  2. Dreamstime
  3. DepositPhotos
  4. iStock Photo
  5. Fotolia


Other Stuff

There were some things I couldn’t fit in any particular MMO category, so here they are:
  1. SurfBounty – I’m generally not a big fan of this, but others have had success with it.  This site allows you to get paid for reading e-mail, surfing the internet, and participating in surveys.  Some of these types of sites are scammy, but I don’t believe this one is.
  2. FlippaMake money by reselling your websites and domains.
  3. Career in online marketing – This one comes per the suggestion of Ian in the comments, and rather than rewrite what he said, I’ll simply quote him: “There are two types of careers. The first one, where you have to work out of an office, is not really making money purely online because it’s a job that requires an office presence (although an absolutely amazing one and one that may still make your list). However, another route is starting your own SEM agency. If you start your own agency, you can make a tremendous amount of money from the comfort of your own home if you work hard and are really good.”



My Favorite “Make Money Online” Blogs

These are some of the blogs that I subscribe to in my RSS reader.  Not all of these blogs will consider themselves “make money online” blogs, which I completely understand and appreciate.  What I’m saying, by listing them here, is that they’re great resources that will no doubt help you make money online in one way or another.
  1. Smart Passive Income
  2. Viper Chill
  3. Escaping the 9 to 5
  4. Virtual Business Lifestyle
  5. Shoemoney
  6. Jonathon Volk
  7. Make Money on the Internet
  8. PPC Ian
  9. Murlu
  10. The Life Design Project
  11. Income Diary
  12. Quick Sprout
  13. ProBlogger
  14. Profit Addiction

My Favorite “Make Money Online” Forums

I don’t frequent these forums too often (and there’s often a lot of garbage to sift through), but there are some gems of information here.  It’s usually a good place to check on reviews of various SEO software, see what people think about different changes in the MMO world (like when Google changes their ranking algorithm), and other miscellaneous MMO/affiliate marketing topics.
  1. Warrior ForumMy favorite.  Be careful, you can get sucked into some of the threads here, and before you know it, you’ll find that you’ve just “wasted” 2 hours.
  2. Digital PointNot as good as Warrior Forum (in my opinion), but still worth visiting.
  3. Black Hat WorldI certainly don’t recommend or practice black hat SEO tactics, but occasionally there is some interesting information and discussion within this forum.

What Am I Missing?

Hopefully something in this article will help you earn more online.  With that said, I’m sure there’s still a LOT out there that I’m missing.  Share it in the comments!  If I hear some interesting ones that I completely missed, I will probably come back and edit this article to include them.
I put a lot of work into this article, so I’d be forever grateful if you could retweet it, share it on Facebook, or Stumble it using the buttons on the left sidebar.  Thanks so much!

By Eric Gati