วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Is It A Good Idea To Put Your Personal Internet Marketing Strategies On Your Internet Marketing Blog?


   Lets say you are part of this scenario. You have personal internet marketing strategies that you use to bring results to your clients. However, you are looking to build a community of followers around you. Is it a good idea to put these internet marketing strategies on your personal internet marketing blog?

Internet Marketing Strategies

     This has been an aged old question that has floated around for years, ” Do the internet marketers who are wildly successful actually put their real | personal internet marketing strategies on their internet marketing blog or do they simply put their affiliate links up so that you can purchase products?”

     Well, I guess it depends on the the internet marketer you are following. I guess an internet marketer hesitation would be that you could end up beating them in their own niche. However, lets identify a couple of things about the blogger.

  • What is the point of the internet marketer’s blog?
  • Are they simply trying to promote themselves or are they trying to help you?
  • Do they have proof that they are using the products they are using?
  • Are all of their posts “meaningful” or are they just promoting products?
  • Are they just writing sales copies to entice you buy?
       Answering these questions should help determine the the internet marketers aim. Remember, majority of successful internet marketing strategies can be found all over the internet, this is why it is a good idea to follow more than one successful blogger. You should also get a feel for your internet blogger. For example, I’ve followed Justin Brooke for some time now, to the point where I blog with others who follow him and use internet marketing strategies from his internet marketing blog. Point being, all of us share our experiences and success. Verdict: Justin Brooke is legit.

Your Personal Internet Marketing Blog

     Look guys, although it seems very easy to deceive people and make money, its unethical and they only thing you have is your name. Once your name is ruined, you are done! If you want to create a following and make money doing it, I suggest you be very, and I do mean very, transparent. Remember, you are trying to build a brand name.

     Personally, I put every single strategy I use on my blog. Whether I succeed, fail, make money, or lose money, I’m very honest with my fellow bloggers. I have come to learn that bloggers appreciate that. You can lie and cheat for a little while, but sooner or later, you will be exposed. Hell, look at Enron. Case in point, don’t be Enron……Be You, Be Different, Be Bold!

