วันอาทิตย์ที่ 30 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

27 Definitions for “Blog”


      Apart from laying down my own definition on that post, I also invited readers to elaborate and share theirs. Blogging is a social and recent phenomenon after all, meaning that my definition for it might be different from yours, and both of them be right.

      Twenty seven readers decided to took the challenge (if I missed anyone please let me know) and to define what a blog is. Below you will find a quote from their answered, with a link to their own posts (make sure to check them out, I just included part of that they had to say on the matter).

1. http://www.rarst.net/
Blog is a site you are reading today.
Knowing it was written yesterday.
Expecting it to be written tomorrow.
2. http://www.andrewflusche.com/
Blogs enable the author to write lots of short, informative articles. I can categorize the articles, and they are all easily searchable. This allows my readers and clients to later find the information they need on my blog.
3. http://nimblecare.wordpress.com/
I think it is a platform for me:
-To express myself
-To share the experience I have
-To share the knowledge I have
-To learn from other people
4. http://karensouth.blogspot.com/
My blog is a chronological log or online diary of my life. Because blogs are easy to update and a great reference of what I have accomplished I tend to keep up with it a lot more than I did my website. Since a blog often reflects the personality of the author it is also a great way to get to know people who share the same interest as I do.
5. http://ezmarketingtool.com/
Blogs are simply software that makes it easy to get content onto the web. The modern “blog” is really just an easy to use “content management system” or CMS. Some blogs are hosted on individual hosting accounts just like “regular” static websites. These types of blogs carry the “responsibilities” of domain name registration, hosting and keeping the blogging software of choice up to date.
6. http://mayuonline.com/
A blog (a contraction of the term “Web log”) is a Web site, usually maintained by an individual, with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. “Blog” can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.
7. http://loszieglerencanada.com/
Mi blog, este blog, es mi cable a tierra, mi posibilidad de expresarme, mi chance de ayudar. Es como un hijo al que tengo que ayudar a crecer todos los días. Es mi herramienta para seducir a las masas. Mi desafío constante. Mi obsesión? Puede ser…
8. http://info-architecture.blogspot.com/
Blogs are journals often authored by one individual, and sometimes teams. In the context of business communication, these are often used to talk with the marketplace and to join the conversation that existing external bloggers may be having.
9. http://infoqueenbee.blogspot.com/
Blog is a Website/Personal Online Journal, frequently/daily updated and the contents posted in Chronological order and are presented to the visitors in the reverse Chronological order. However links to the previous postings wherever necessary and relevant are given in the posts of blogging. Links to other blogs are also given wherever possible.
10. http://everydaythoughtsfromlife.blogspot.com/
Now that I have been writing for about 2 weeks I have come to find that blogging is a self-contained community that stretches around the world. Your blog is your window out to the world, so that everyone can see in to your hobbies, interests, and passions. Each blog has its own persona and mine is the nonsensical ramblings of the mind. This is one thing that interests me and now I get to share it with the world, and not only that but the world gets to comment and interact with me.
11. http://www.bloggingtune.com/
A blog is a space in the internet which an individual person/a group create to share their knowledge, offer opinions and provide service
12. http://broadcasting-brain.com/
Blogs are a combination of two well-known mainstream media outlets: the broadcasting studio and the traditional op-ed column.
13. http://spanish-podcast.com/
If I had to define what a blog is now, in 2008, I’d say that blogs are an early 21st-century version of the public town square. Humans have always had a need for social contact and for information and blogs provide a platform for both.
14. http://www.successmakingmachine.com/
It doesn’t matter. To someone who hasn’t heard of the concept it’s just a new/easy way for a person to publish content on the internet. That’s all you need to know.
15. http://www.janetbarclay.com
It pretty well goes without saying that a blog is a website, but the factors that make a blog different than other websites are as follows:
1. A blog is updated on a regular basis, with new content being added to previous content, rather than replacing it.
2. Even professional blogs have a personal side to them, often reflecting the individual(s) behind the business.
3. A blog allows for communication between the author and his or her readers, rather than just providing information.
4. Even business blogs aren’t 100% about promoting the company’s products and/or services.
16. http://knittsings.com/
For me the answer is straight forward. A blog allows me to share photos and information with anyone, anywhere, at anytime. This is especially important for those of us addicted to knitting machines yet isolated from others who share our passion.
17. http://fwdsend.typepad.com/
A blog is just another way of being heard (check out the cartoon here also).
18. http://blaiq.typepad.com/
Any sufficiently advanced blog will be indistinguishable from its blogger.
19. http://www.back-links.org/
A simplistic, evolutionary website which allows users to effortlessly express them selves, share their knowledge and advice throughout the internet, they adapt and evolve to meet the needs of the present.
20. http://pink-ink-pink.blogspot.com/
1. Instant readership and feedback. When I write freelance magazine articles, I finally see the fruits of my labor MONTHS later. In contrast, I can blog about something timely and see it online seconds later!
2. An online community. I have made many friends through blogging. I cannot believe how many writers I have “met” this way, and I’ve learned so much.
3. A fun creative outlet. I love experimenting and personalizing my blog and saying, “Here I am!” to the world.
21. http://gman-blog.blogspot.com/
Blog đơn giản là 1 dạng website, giống như diễn đàn hay trang mạng xã hội. Nó chỉ phân biệt với các loại website khác dựa trên khía cạnh kỹ thuật và các chức năng riêng chứ hoàn toàn không dựa trên nội dung trên đó.
22. http://www.se7enize.com/
Blog is
- not required to put personal aspect into it.
So that’s why there’re corporate/organization blogs
- not required to open to comment
So that’s why I still call kottke, daringfireball and many tumblelogs, a blog.
- not required to have other features such as ping/trackback, feed, etc.
- not required to be built with dynamic script (CMS)
I still call it a blog if it’s just .txt file published on internet, as long as it is updated the content in chronological order.
- not required to be updated regulary.
I still call it a blog, a dead blog though.
23. http://gotellnews.com/
A blog is a window for the reader to take a peek into the blogger’s life. Blogs can be informative, lively, and entertaining, business or personal.
24. http://techtites.com/
When it first began, a weblog or blog was a simple online diary, where the blog author would pen down his or her thoughts. It served as a means to let readers know primarily family and friends about the happenings in his / her life.
Over the years, blogs have evolved to much much more than that. While personal blogs are still far and wide across the blogosphere, you will find a lot of non-personal blogs as well.
Today, a blog is a platform for news, tutorials, travel tails, articles, video, photos and more. Blogs have several categories similar to what websites had several years ago. You have technology blogs, travelouges, personal blogs, news blogs, videologs, photoblogs etc.
25. http://stetoscope-blog.com/
As to me, a blog is an Exhibition-stand.
An exhibition-stand, is an open place designed to communicate messages and tht offers the option to have a one-t-one discussion with someone that represents the owner of the stand. You could notice that stands are sometimes very well-designed and sometimes quite cheap : just as blogs.
26. http://itlife.escrito.info/
Having been blogging for quite some time, I have come to identify that blogging is an obsession. A blog is a site where ideas and opinions are meshed together.
27. http://www.seanpaune.com/
I would say at this point that any site that conveys information in a chronological style format pretty much qualifies as a blog. Daniel stated things like comments and RSS feed would fall in his definition, but I have seen to many sites that meet the criteria of informational and chronological, and then miss one of the other two, that I’m not going to be quite as strict.
By Daniel Scocco

